Paganism is the original belief system of the White human species. Paganism branched out to a wide array of religions across Miðgarðr. Including in what is now known as India and Asia, although modern narratives make a distinction between Paganism and Hinduism as well as Buddhism. Even the desert cults arise out of Paganism, with Islam and Christianity being a mere variation of Judaism and a strategy to control and subdue the masses by those who refer to themselves as the “Chosen” People.
What is referred to as Paganism today is inherently neo-Paganism. This is because modern White humans cannot possibly comprehend, let alone follow, the original version of Paganism, which goes back much farther than most can imagine and has since become heavily corrupted. Even involving concepts now foreign and unfathomable to modern humans. Paganism is also inherently inspired - or even appropriated - from Norse culture, because the land that is currently known as Norway is where humanity, civilization, and thus everything, started.
Today, there are two primary movements within neo-Paganism. The literal movement is focused on the literal meaning of a handful of ancient Norse/Germanic texts that are public and somewhat known to the world. The revisionist movement is fixated on modifying the meaning of the same texts to accommodate their personal and political beliefs. Within each movement, focus can greatly vary between Germanic, Norse, or even completely strange references.
Both movements are heavily influenced by Christianity or a repressed form of it and do not seem to understand allegory. Nor the fact that all public translations are incorrect and based on insufficient data and knowledge (no access to the many Old Norse dialects throughout time prevents mastery of the Old Norse language and its many variations). That the texts they seem to rely on so heavily were written by Christians a very long time after the alleged events, based on other texts and materials suppressed by the Church, intent on pushing their own version of the world, and creation. Or that a true understanding of actual history and culture, based in significant part on genetic memory, and in contrast to official narrative, is critical in understanding any Norse concept, and thus, their Pagan ideology.
Yet, the whole identity of the literal movement revolves around endlessly arguing literal translations of those texts, completely missing the most fundamental tenants of the belief system. Hundreds of books have been written to argue one form of translation over another (with none being accurate), or to debate the irrelevant. Among the literal movement, those seen as experts (even though they certainly are not) often see it as very smart to extrapolate on literal meanings. For example, arguing that a specific stanza in the Eddas somehow means that Óðinn seeks war and the slaughter of men, in the past and currently, for the sole purpose of building an army for Ragnarøkr, which none of these wannabe scholars see as cyclical either. The literal movement further uses Old Norse texts like Christians use their bible, often referring to them in their day to day life, without ever walking the talk, though. They are not, however, actual followers of Paganism or the old ways. Merely attached superficially to some abstract texts and concepts.
The revisionist movement is less concerned with literate translations, as their primary goal is to modify history, culture and facts to accommodate their views of the world from the perspective of a political spectrum. With most positioning themselves on the far left, and the rest on the right (never too far right). Blue haired morbidly obese creatures of varying genders somehow justify their gender dysphoria, obesity, and Marxism with Norse paganism. Changing facts and history to turn a patriarchal White society into a colored matriarchy. Demonstrating exceptional levels of cognitive dissonance in the process. On the other end of the spectrum, suppressed Christians somehow decide that women were sacred in Norse culture and paganism, while projecting their Abrahamic sexual repression onto the ancient culture. They therefore turn what was a male-dominated tribal life into dual-family concepts based on women and prohibiting any form of sex outside of marriage and procreation.
Neither the literal or revisionist movement live in reality or actually live Paganism. Instead, both movements practice some sort of superficial, modernized, watered down pseudo-ritualistic worship of generally one single “god” (usually Óðinn), with no longer any connection to the actual ancient celebrations, each connected to very specific events and circumstances. Indeed, Sigrblót completely loses its meaning when there is no actual battle to celebrate with most followers not even having served in the military, or when there cannot possibly be rejoicing at coming out of a dark winter when most live at latitudes that see sunlight every day throughout the year, winter included. This worship typically materializes into praying to the Norse (or Germanic) “gods”, in the absence of celebrating meaningful actual events and achievements, while lighting a few candles from Walmart. This is a form of virtue-signaling and Christian absolution. These neo-Pagans are indeed so far detached from original Paganism when it comes to their life and behavior, that they subconsciously see themselves as either inadequate or sinning, and therefore as having to make up for their shortcomings with Christianized activities and a form of repenting. This is how a morbidly obese lesbian living with 6 cats in a condo in a large city somehow sees itself as Pagan when its very own existence and lifestyle would be an utter aberration in an ancient Pagan culture. The very same Lesbian also imagines itself in Valhöll over its heroic “fight” against obesity and through gender re-assignment, fantacizing of a Christian heaven which would in fact be absolute hel for anyone who is not both a male and an exceptional warrior.
Forn Siðr, on the other hand, is fundamentally different. Forn Siðr is the traditional Norse spirituality from a practical approach, based on ancestral knowledge, traditions and records (most not publicly available), genetic memory, and attachment to the land and what is referred to in popular culture as the “gods”. The ancient public texts are explored as significant poetry, as allegories as well as a limited form of knowledge that helps understand the belief system in a cultural and historical context, rather than said text being an actual focus or ultimate reference. Forn Siðr is also defined by men striving to honor their Norse ancestors through their actual behavior, ethos and life, rather than artificial and superficial Abrahamized useless virtue-signaling repenting activities. The true follower of Forn Siðr is a fit male making his ancestors proud and striving to be the best warrior one can ever be. Forn Siðr is a wholesome spirituality that transpires through a man’s very existence, life choices, ideology, and purpose at a deep fundamental and historical level, without any fixation on a handful of texts written by the Church, because a true Norðmaðr simply doesn’t need a bible.
Forn Siðr also emphasizes a connection to Blendingar (Hybrids), and thus, a good hold of Forn Siðr as the traditional Norse spirituality is the first step towards a deeper understanding of the creators, and a better connection through them, progressively explored through ÚLFASIÐR, the primeval Norse spirituality and predecessor, as well as foundation, of Forn Siðr.
Genetic memory, thats what brought me here. Now its clear to me. Always wondered what it was.