A reminder that, under no circumstances, are you allowed to stop CPR on a hybrid, or declare the hybrid deceased, even after several hours of no vital signs.
Only an Ulf can authorize ending care/resuscitation for a hybrid, and declaring the hybrid deceased.
This is because hybrids have exceptionally low heart rates (Áskunnr hinn gullúlfr was recorded at 12bpm earlier today), which means their organs, including brain, will take much longer to die from lack of oxygen than any regular guy. While CPR is not necessarily effective on most people, and usually a waste of time after a few minutes, it can make a huge difference on hybrid by allowing some blood flow to keep organs alive (it is then a matter of having the strength for the compressions). Additionally, the exceptionally low heart rate at rest can get even lower when distressed, and this means that they can be believed to be dead because a pulse cannot be detected, when they are not.
Furthermore, defibrillators will not work unless in manual mode, because they will not detect a pulse.
So, to sum it up: You keep providing care, including CPR, to any hybrid down, until you are asked to stop by an Ulf. Even if it takes hours. If outside EMT is involved at any point, they also shall be advised repeatedly that the hybrids have an exceptionally low heart rate. At least one of you shall be in chopper/medevac/ambulance to ensure the hybrid is not declared dead because the morons didn't pick up a pulse or a heart beat.