Vaccination Schedule: Dogs
Updated 13 September 2023 and Deviating from Official Recommendations
The following is the schedule recommended by Ásjárstjórn (AS) for dogs in a Nordic environment.
Primary Series
Week 8:
Distemper, Adenovirus and Parvovirus (DAP)
May only be available as D2APP/DHPP/DAPP vaccine in many locations [which also includes Adenovirus Type 2, Kennel Cough and Parainfluenza]
Week 12:
Distemper, Adenovirus and Parvovirus (DAP)
May only be available as D2APP/DHPP/DAPP vaccine in many locations [which also includes Adenovirus Type 2, Kennel Cough and Parainfluenza]
Week 12-14:
Rabies should not be administered concurrently with DAP and should be separated by at least one week.
Week 16:
Distemper, Adenovirus and Parvovirus (DAP)
May only be available as D2APP/DHPP/DAPP vaccine in many locations [which also includes Adenovirus Type 2, Kennel Cough and Parainfluenza]
Calculated from end of Primary Series on Week 16
Year 1:
Distemper, Adenovirus and Parvovirus (DAP)
May only be available as D2APP/DHPP/DAPP vaccine in many locations [which also includes Adenovirus Type 2, Kennel Cough and Parainfluenza]Rabies
Year 4:
Year 6:
Distemper, Adenovirus and Parvovirus (DAP)
May only be available as D2APP/DHPP/DAPP vaccine in North America [which also includes Adenovirus Type 2, Kennel Cough and Parainfluenza]
Year 7:
Year 10:
Year 13:
Additional Vaccinations
Outside of Nordic environments, and especially in temperate climates, Leptospirosisvaccine may be required at Week 12, Week 16 and every year afterwards.