There are currently two narratives with respect to the settlement of Norway and the rest of the world. The first supposedly follows a scientific - but in fact popular - consensus, and the second, our ancient knowledge.
Popular Narrative
We Norwegians are descendants of The Battle Axe People. They supposedly came from Sweden and settled in southern Norway about 2,800 BCE. They are tall, mostly blonde-haired and blue-eyed, and they speak an Indo-European language that is later to be known as Germanic. The Battle Axe people introduce bronze technology to Norway and start to produce tools and weapons made of bronze and other metals. They establish permanent farming settlements as well as a social class structure.
Nearly two millennia later, around 1,000 BCE, the Sami from the west Ural Mountains in what is now Russia, settle in northern Norway, and start mixing with the descendants of the Komsa who later disappear. They are hunters, trappers, and fishermen, and they use tools and weapons made of antlers, tusks, bones and stones at first, and by 700 BCE, iron (imported from Russia). They speak their own distinct Finno-Ugric language, unrelated to Germanic. They are taught agriculture upon making contact with Norwegians that have now been moving northward.
Even though the (hi)story has been perverted over time in popular beliefs, the fact remains that we Norse settled Norway before the Sami people nearly 5,000 years ago, and under this official narrative, are the oldest race on Norwegian soil that is still alive, with the Kosma, Fosna and Nøstvet people supposedly preceding us in Norway having gone extinct.
Similarly, we were the first Europeans to settle the Americas, well before the French, the British (and of course Columbus), and in the case of Baffin Island in what is now Canada, well before the Inuits. Artifacts establishing our settlement of British Columbia found in the Broken Islands of Pacific Rim National Parks were mostly suppressed but not before we could salvage some of them. Our ancient records also direct us to very specific sites in western Canada. In the north, many Inuits have blue eyes from inter-racial breeding with our people. In New Zealand, as per artifacts as well and various traditions from elders, we settled the region well before the Maoris.
Ancient Knowledge
Under our ancient knowledge, the white man (the white race is indeed clearly genetically different from other races) was created by a race of giants in what is now known as Jotunheimen in Norway. This narrative is also expressed through Abrahamic metaphors in the story of Óðinn creating the world - and mankind - from the body parts of Jötnar (giants). As well as pretty much every other religion on earth invariably referring to a race of giants.
About 25,000 years ago, in what is now Scandinavia, Jötnar and Blendingar (half Jötnar and half men) cross the ice bridge from an area now known as Honningsvåg in Northwestern Norway and settle first North America and then South America.
Then, about 10,000 years later - and nearly 15,000 years ago towards the end of the last ice age - the white man, tall, mostly blonde-haired, blue-eyed and later referred to as The Battle Axe People, makes it to North America on his own and settles the continent as well. His language would later become what is now known as Old Norse, which origins may appear rooted in Germanic language from Eurasia, but in fact, are not, having followed a completely different evolutionary process than currently claimed.
Again, this religious narrative is upheld by many so-called “native” cultures in the Americas, all referring to a race of giants and other very white humans.
Under this second scenario, we the Norse remain the first settlers of Norway, the Americas and the rest of the world, just much earlier that claimed in the alternate, more popular narrative.
Ultimately, though, we were first.